fredag den 28. oktober 2011

The Korduroy Couch Surfing Tour

Hi guys. I just emailed because I think we should win their "Couch Surfing Tour". I wrote them a mail with some links to our blog, pictures, youtube-channel, pictures of Steven in fishnet underwear and etc. This is what I wrote (didn't include the links here):

Hi Korduroy

We are Medister Surf Team from Copenhagen, Denmark.

We are united in surfing, friendship and sausage.

Medister is a typical danish pork sausage.
The reason why we are called Medister Surf Team is that, in the beginning, we often ate the medister sausage after our surf sessions. Back then, we mostly surfed the spot "onion rings", but that was all back in the nineties.....
Now we surf all over the world. Chorizo Reef, Medister Bay, The Ouzo spot, The Evil Stick to name a few. Hell, we've even met Mark Occhilupo back in 2009. Our turf is mostly in Denmark and Sweden though.

Well about the Korduroy Couch Surfing Tour. We have a typical danish christmas party in our old summerhouse in Asserbo (pretty cool name ehh?). There will probably be around 15-20 members of the Medister Surf Team. We will be eating a lot of medister and other types of sausages, wearing our leather vests, drinking alcohol, making a sweat hut....... And hopefully we will be watching Under The Sun and some seriously great korduroy stuff!!!

Denmark is not the surfing dream destination. In fact it is often the-shitty-onshore-small-crappy-windswell-destination and in november its cold, rainy, windy, dark, icy and snowy. If the waves are on, Medister Surf Team is on. We are always stoked no matter what. But getting together in our summerhouse with the team and watching some nice surf films will definitely help us through the cold danish winter.

So send some digital aloha from sunny SoCal, You've got Trestles and Blacks, we've got Evil Stick, Onion Rings and Aeggestokken but we're all surfers no matter what!!

One love

Medister Surf Team

PS. Here in Denmark we make really good sausages. We often go to surf in Sweden which is just over the bridge from Copenhagen. The problem is they can't make a proper sausage. I was surfin my favourite spot kåseberga the other morning and we stopped in for a french hotdog (sausage in a hollow bread) on the way back for breakfast and they make sausages without no skin at all. seriously, no skin!!!! the sausage should make like a nice little crunch when you eat it. And what made the experience big time awfull was that the ol' sausage lady used a bread that was to small so that the thick sausage broke the bread on the way in and all that nice creamy sauce was running all over her big strong sausagelady-hands. That aint good sausage handling skills!!!

9 kommentarer:

jacob sagde ...

Jeg håber de historiske detaljer er korrekte. Jeg var jo ikke med helt fra starten af.

Anders sagde ...

godt skrevet Gås! det er for fedt, håber vi vinder

Anders sagde ...

ps. ja pølserne i Sverige er en skandale. Glæder mig til MST Weekend !

jacob sagde ...

Ja det bliver sgu en sjov weekend. Håber der kommer surf!!! Har fået mine forældre til at passe ungerne. Der er deadline på konkurrencen på fredag den 4. november.
Hvis vi vinder skal vi optage aftenen på video og det kommer til at ligge på

Anders sagde ...

mega fedt skrevet ø. godt initiativ. håber vi vinder. hilsen frede

jacob sagde ...

Tak Frede. Ja det kunne være sjovt. Fik iøvrigt Bøgsted Rende i fralandsvind i lørdags for første gang. Virkelig fin bølge!!!

SIMON FUNCH sagde ...

Det er for fedt Gåsen!!! Glæder for vildt til MST Weekenden!!!

jacob sagde ...

Har lige fået en mail fra Korduroy at jeg er udvalgt som en af de officielle vindere, men de kan ikke nå at få sendt pakken til weekenden. Vi må planlægge en filmaften en anden dag.

Anders sagde ...

Det er for vildt at vi vandt!! Jacob skriver du ikke en lille sejers tale på bloggen!